DSM Mastery - Think you're ready for 2024?

You'll have your most successful year in the ring ever, and strategies and techniques to carry with you for a lifetime. These are some of the tools you will receive if you are accepted into the program:

  • Privately coached, personalized The 3-Part Winning Formula
  • Personalized goals and an action plan to achieve them
  • Deep understanding of your breed standard
  • Creation of your strategic show schedule for the year ahead
  • Monthly cohort meetings focused on timely questions on your most recent show experiences
  • Monthly topic-focused meetings
  • Spotlight on your breed
  • Monthly 1:1 private coaching session with Lee for each Dog Show Mastery Member



 **During your application consultation session we determine whether your team is a good fit for this program. All details including pricing will be discussed during this call.

PLEASE NOTE: Every application will include an in-depth 1:1 session with Lee at a highly discounted price–you receive a $90 session for $49.

Mastery requires you to APPLY and the application fee is included in the 1:1 pricing. There is no guarantee by purchasing this application that you will be chosen to participate in the annual program. Yes, it is an investment; and your dog is worth it!

What Members Are Saying:

You are going to love all the different ways DSM helps you to be (and feel) prepared, confident, supported and encouraged (without judgment or criticism) by the members of this group, knowledgeable about your breed, and excited to show your heart out!

Molly S., NY

The biggest thing that has come is the confidence I gained and the structure of the program; knowing I can do it.

Annette M., East PA

$49.00 USD

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions under Terms on https://dogshowmentor.com

I understand that, in fair exchange for this application which is made in good faith, that I will receive a 45 minute assessment and advisory session with Lee Whittier. the application fee is non-refundable. I agree to use the booking site provided upon completion of this application. There is no obligation to join Dog Show Mastery if accepted, and no obligation for Lee Whittier to accept me into the Dog Show Mastery.

Dog Show Mentor and Lee Whittier reserve the right to limit access to this program and/or to refuse membership to any individual or entity for any other reason.

AKC Rules Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Judges

Presentation/Handling Classes: No entry shall be made at any conformation show under any judge of any dog or owner for which said judge has provided handling and presentation instructions in either conformation or obedience training classes. This restriction will apply within six months prior to the show.” (p. 12)

Therefore, any member of Dog Show Mentor.com group may not show to me for six months from last date of membership. This includes possible group or best in show assignments. This includes CO-OWNED dogs. You cannot circumvent this AKC Policy  by having another person show your dog. You are responsible for keeping a record of pertinent dates and honoring this policy. It is part of good sportsmanship.  AKC Code of Sportsmanship

For the Complete Terms & Conditions, CLICK HERE.

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